Monday, October 30, 2006


No Jobs Left Behind

The brilliant article at the link below describes how offshore outsourcing is obliterating the lives and the futures of American workers. While economists and journalists who are either incompetent or corrupt attempt to sell the fiction of the "new economy" to the American people, all jobs worth anything to our continued productivity as a nation are being shipped overseas. The number of jobs created in the United States has grown two million in the last five years - but has not kept pace, by a gap of seven million, with the actual growth in population. Yet this is labeled by our dullard president as "growth". We have been increasingly told that only the dirty work will be shipped overseas, and that "knowledge workers" will flourish in America. In fact, the opposite is the case. Starting salaries for computer science, computer engineering and electrical engineering grads have dropped 12.7 percent, 12 percent and 10.2 percent, respectively, in the last five years. Duplicitous spin set into motion by apologists of the Bush regime holds that the ranks of "software engineers" have grown dramatically, but that is simply because more computer programmers are called "software engineers" these days. This specious change in nomenclature disguises the fact that the total number of both computer programmers and "software engineers" has remained almost completely stagnant since 2001. Starting salaries for marketing specialists has dropped 6.5 percent in the same period, and business administration and accounting salaries have dropped by 5.7 percent and 2.3 percent, respectively. Even stockbrokers are being replaced by overseas labor. Moreover, an ever-growing proportion of those who still work at so-called "professional" corporate jobs in the United States are, in fact, foreign workers brought here on H1B visas.

Corporate "leaders" and their venal henchmen in the media and the academy have tried to convince Americans that offshore outsourcing will result in job growth - for, indeed, "better" jobs for Americans. However, while the number of engineers, financial specialists and software designers soars abroad, the only occupations whose ranks are increasing in the United States are low end service jobs, such as bartender, waitress, receptionist, sales shill, janitor, and the like. Offshore outsourcing amplifies only the mindless servitude of native-born Americans. The article concludes with these words - "The United States is the first country in history to destroy the prospects and living standards of its labor force. It is amazing to watch freedom-loving libertarians and free-market economists serve as apologists for the dismantling of the ladders of upward mobility that made the America of old an opportunity society. America is seeing a widening polarization into rich and poor. The resulting political instability and social strife will be terrible." Amen, I say. Let the bushwhacking of the billionaires begin!

"As Jobs Leave America's Shores...The New Face of Class War" from CounterPunch

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